
News Detail:

 Do, 10. Nov. 2022   Lohmar, Fabian

Kick-off for IS Projects and the Co-Creation Lab Digital

On Friday,28th of October, the kick-off event for an IS Teaching Projects took place in the in the Co-Creation Lab Digital in the Dahlbender Villa in Duisburg-Ruhrort. With five dedicated Master students, Sven Kreimendahl from the consultancy Campana&Schott discussed innovative startup ideas within the topics of mobility and digitalization, while Prof. Frederik Ahlemann and his team consisting of Tim Bree and Fabian Lohmar moderated the lively discussion, providing feedback on the content. In the end, a list of potential use cases emerged that could be mapped on a digital mobility platform, which the students now want to develop further to concept maturity under the guidance of Campana & Schott and the chair.